NCLC's 30th Anniversary!
NCLC's 30th Anniversary!

Started 13 Jul 2016, by Lorraine Ortiz

Training for the big COASTWALK OREGON in September! All funds raised support the amazing organization I work for. We conserve land on my beloved North Oregon Coast.

NCLC's 30th Anniversary!
NCLC's 30th Anniversary!

Training for the big COASTWALK OREGON in September! All funds raised support the amazing organization I work for. We conserve land on my beloved North Oregon Coast.

Started 13 Jul 2016, by Lorraine Ortiz

Mission details

From: Columbia River
To: Very south Tillamook County (almost to Neskow




DISTANCE: 118.3mi

TIME: 71days

of $600


Join Virtual CoastWalk Oregon, get fit, and help us achieve our 30th-anniversary goal of raising $30,000 for coastal conservation.


Staff and supporters of North Coast Land Conservancy plan to walk 30 miles of the Oregon Coast Trail, from the Columbia River to Cannon Beach, in three days this September and raise  $15,000 in the process. You can help us match that $15,000 by walking your own Virtual Mission and raising money from your family and friends while you meet your own fitness goals, at your own pace, wherever and whenever you like.

Raise at least $300 by September 22 and you will receive:

  • A raffle ticket for a luxurious Cannon Beach getaway.
  • Your choice of an NCLC hat, NCLC metal water bottle, or copy of the guidebook Day Hiking: Oregon Coast.

Questions about this Virtual Mission? E-mail Lynette at [email protected]

Since 1986, North Coast Land Conservancy has worked with landowners, communities, and regional partners to make key connections in the landscape along the Oregon Coast. Our vision: a fully functioning Oregon coastal landscape where healthy communities of people, plants, and wildlife all thrive.






I have the honor of working for the amazing North Coast Land Conservancy.  This highly committed organization is celebrating 30 years of land conservation on the North Oregon Coast.  We currently hold almost 5,000 acres in conservation.  I fell in love with the Oregon Coast in the last 70s when I came camping here with my mother, Lois Ortiz.  She taught me to appreciate the wild beauty and I always imagined myself living here.  Well, I have lived here for over 25 years and I welcome you to come and visit!  I'll show you why this place has captured my heart.



$935 raised since 13 Jul 2016.


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Lorraine Ortiz

0.00 mi

23 Sep 2016

Tomorrow is CoastWalk Oregon. Since my last post I have caught a doozie of a bug and have been bummed out and flag on my back. I can't believe this has happened! I'm humbled and reminded that we can make all the plans in the world and make all the preparations possible and stuff happens. I did exceed my initial training goal of 102, but did not reach my extended training goal of 118. Darn it. It did DOUBLE MY fundraising goal. You all donated a total of $1210 towards conservation on the North Oregon Coast. I hope to well enough to walk tomorrow, DAY ONE of CoastWalk. If my body says "no way" then I will walk DAY TWO & THREE. We all win in this game. This has been a fabulous experience. Thanks to each and every one of you. If you decide to do a VIRTUAL MISSION for your cause, count me in! Cheers to life!


Lorraine Ortiz

1.99 mi

19 Sep 2016

Day Three of YOGA COLLEGE and a beautiful day in Cannon Beach. I managed only a 2 mile training walk during the mid-day break. I realized that this time next week CWO will be done and we will be celebrating at Public Coast Brewing Co. Want to join us? Please do! 1:30 is when we will be drawing the grand prize. It would be fun to have you there so I can thank you in person. Thank you for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

2.49 mi

17 Sep 2016

Not only was today a training day but it was also DAY TWO of yoga college. It was raining too, so that gave me an opportunity to imagine what it will be like if it is raining on the CoastWalk. Southwest winds are not much fun to be walking into, but walking with the wind makes you feel like you are sailing! I enjoyed the rainy walk and the mid-day break from all I am learning at the Purna Yoga College training. Despite the weather, Cannon Beach was packed with people. I love all the trails through CB, many are near water. Walking near water in the rain is so Oregon! Thanks for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

7.02 mi

12 Sep 2016

Best training day, the day the goal is achieved AND EXCEEDED in all ways. Thanks to each of you I have had the pleasure of going on walks in preparation for the big walk on September 23-25. It was been a delight to have your support at my back as I've trained. Today, having exceeded my goal, I will keep training until the event but want you to know what a fun and delightful adventure this has been. I thank you, the Oregon coast thanks you and NCLC thanks you. This has been a win, win, win. I hope you will consider using My Virtual Mission to get fit and raise money for your own organizations. I will support you! Thanks to each and every one of you.


Lorraine Ortiz

1.99 mi

6 Sep 2016

I don't want this mission to end so I am fudging on my mileage today--not up but DOWN! I had a great 3 mile walk on the beach. Nice low tide and I was trying to beat the crowds who are wrapping up their last hurrah of summer. By the time I finished my walk there were LOTS of people and great dogs on the beach. Gotta say, yesterday I took the day off from a training walk but worked HARD in the yard--does that count? I'm sure I did many miles and hauled a tremendous amount of yard debris which was great training for Day 3 of the big walk which is coming up in less that 3 weeks! Thanks for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

3.98 mi

3 Sep 2016

Well, it's not Mt. Hood but I do love walking the NKN high school track because of the ocean air and the great cell signal. I can listen to OPB, do my training and have the whole track to myself. It was sunny and the temp was just right. I'm so close to completing this mission and, of course, I will keep going as the big 30-mile walk is just around the corner. This has been so fun maybe you want to try it too? Just make a route for yourself, get others to cheer you on and go! Thanks to everyone for your support. :-)


Lorraine Ortiz

3.48 mi

1 Sep 2016

Today's training was all urban mileage in the Hawthorne and Division neighborhoods. Though I've driven these streets many, many times, I've never walked them. It was fun to see all the vibrant businesses and so many restaurants! It was a fun, different kind of training. It will be hard to see this mission come to an end. I've enjoyed sharing each walk with you. Thanks for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

3.17 mi

31 Aug 2016

2nd Training Session of the Day: Lost Lake Trail. 16 miles off the beaten path, Lost Lake offers an incredible view of the NW face of Mt. Hood. The lake loop trail is forested and has many sections of elevated board walk. The view of Mt. Hood from here is unsurpassed. Overall, the best two days of training yet thanks to that gorgeous mountain and all it has to offer. Looking forward to exploring more trails in the future. Thanks to all for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

4.23 mi

31 Aug 2016

BANNER DAY! Two trainings segments today. Here is the first one: TAMANAWAS FALLS on the east side of Mt. Hood. Fantastic hike along the east fork of the Hood River terminating at the falls. By the time we were ready to head back lots of people were on the trail. On the way to the falls we basically had it all to ourselves. This was a delight and great training for Tillamook Head (about 1,000 elevation gain). Read on for today's 2nd training session...


Lorraine Ortiz

4.47 mi

30 Aug 2016

Today was the best training day yet! On Mt. Hood hiking a section of the PCT. The weather was perfect. Training hike followed by lunch at Timberline. It just doesn't get any better than that! I love Oregon. This training is so much fun because of your support! Thank you.


Lorraine Ortiz

4.47 mi

30 Aug 2016

Today was the best training day yet! On Mt. Hood hiking a section of the PCT. The weather was perfect. Training hike followed by lunch at Timberline. It just doesn't get any better than that! I love Oregon. This training is so much fun because of your support! Thank you.


Lorraine Ortiz

3.98 mi

25 Aug 2016

Whiskey Kate accompanied me on my training walk this morning. Onion Peak was shining like a star. I think it is going to be a very hot day, so glad I got my training in while it was still relatively cool. Thanks for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

3.98 mi

22 Aug 2016

Today was a 2+2 training day. 2 miles in the morning on beautiful Anderson Road (love it for all the hills) and then 2 miles in the afternoon 1/2 way across the Nehalem Valley so I could walk home with a view of Onion Peak. So far I have almost doubled by goal of $600. Sponsorships now total $1110. Just $90 more and I can double my goal of support for NCLC's 30th anniversary! Thank you all for supporting my training for the big walk in September.


Lorraine Ortiz

2.49 mi

19 Aug 2016

Hot, hot, hot day. Good thing my training walk today was on the beach. Even the beach was hot. Lots of people in the ocean, kids in near shore pools and everyone generally happy to be near water. Me too! Walking on the beach is such a different kind of walking that my usual training routes but 20 miles of the big walk are on the beach so I must be diligent about training on sand. Thanks for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

3.48 mi

16 Aug 2016

After-work training walk tonight across the valley and back. I love doing that walk because on the return trip I get to look at those beautiful mountains and Onion Peak. The clouds looked mystical spilling over the peaks and valleys. Great walk! Thanks for your support.


Lorraine Ortiz

4.97 mi

15 Aug 2016

I trained at the NKN High track again today. I love the ocean breezes and the full-force cell signal I can get there. Listening to excellent radio programming (STATE OF WONDER and FREAKONOMICS) is a real treat and certainly made the miles fly by. I just love how this training is going and thanks to you and the beautiful Oregon Coast I am inspired every day. Thank you for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

2.98 mi

14 Aug 2016

Walked up to "Heaven's Gate" and saw lots of bear poop filled with blackberries--happy bears! continued on training on Anderson Road. It is perfect training, hills, no traffic and a dead-on view of Onion Peake. What could be better? Thank you for your support!


Lorraine Ortiz

3.98 mi

13 Aug 2016

I like to change up my training routes. This afternoon headed down to the NKN high school track for 16 laps (4 miles). It is a beautiful, (almost) ocean front track surrounded by mountains and greenery and salt air breeze. What a treat to be out training on this gorgeous summer late afternoon. Also, I can get really good cell reception at this location was able to listen to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED for an entire hour which is something I rarely get to do! Thanks for supporting my training and NCLC.


Lorraine Ortiz

1.99 mi

12 Aug 2016

Another short 2 mile training day today--Whiskey Kate joined me on Anderson Road. Turns out she has a lot of fans on that road and several people pulled over to chat. Slowed down the training a bit, but it was fun to talk about her antics. Onward!


Lorraine Ortiz

3.48 mi

11 Aug 2016

Today is Terry's 67th b-day and he joined me on my morning training walk on Anderson Road. It was fun to have company. Beautiful, quiet, sunny morning. Almost ready to try a 10-miler just to see how I feel the day after! Thanks for your support.


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